Friday, November 28, 2008

Pranayamam -continued


The explanatory notes -continued.

(iv) In the vedic system of Pranayamam, Mantras or hymns are recited mentally during 'Kumbaka' period. Human mind emits waves. Thus, the air column held
in the body resonates corresponding to these waves and help the body to absorb
celestial energy(life energy) present in the air.

(v) The vedic system of health recognises specific points in our body called ' (chakras)'. The vital energy required to live or be healthy is absorbed through breathing. The body also abs0rbs directly vital energy through the energy centres of our Bio-plasmic body. These energy centres are called Chakras. These are major 'chakras' and minor 'chakras'. The major chakras control major organs and while minor chakras control minor organs.


Till Then


Sunday, November 23, 2008



1.Pranayamam is essentially a respiratory control.

2.Letting out air is called "Rechaka". taking in air is called"Puraka" and holding air inside is called "Kumbaka".

3. The hyms or mantra are recited during "Kumbaka". The hyms known as 'Pranayama Mantra'

compose of three parts:
The portion of the Mantra given in 6(a) mentioned earlier enumerates the seven regions of the Universe(Vyahiriti) starting from"Bhuh"(Earth) upwards or superior to earth. According to vedic Philosophies, the soul of a person passes through these seven regions after deathbefore attaining God. Each of the vyahiriti is preceded by the word "OM" and hence a separate "Mantra".The Vyahiriti Mantras signify that all these worlds are only several forms of the supreme Lord(Brahman) constituting His body.
The portion in the mantra in 6(b) is 'Gayathri Mantra' that is a Mantra - that is a mantra that protects the chanter. the meaning of the mantra is as follows:
" I meditate on Sun with Tejas or divine strength of the Lord who activates our intellect"
( I meditate on the supreme Lord in the orb of the sun who activates our intellect)
The portion of the mantra in 6(c) is known as "Gayathri sirus". this again conveys the spirit as in 6(a). It points out water, radiance,juice , nector are all forms of Brahman- the supreme Lord.
Further explanatory notes follow in the next Post.

Your comments and queries are welcome


Saturday, November 22, 2008


I shall try to detail the method of doing Pranayamam as practiced by Dwijas(People who have had thread ceremony). The word Dwija actually means twice borm. This is the first step in the initiation of knowing the path to spiritual knowledge. This is the core of the rituals in the performance of SANDYAVANDANAM-to be performed thrice daily by the Dwijas.

Now the Method:
1. The body should be in a vertical position.
2.Close the left nostril with ring finger of right hand and exhale or breathe out from right nostril slowly.
3.Close the right nostril with thumb of right hand.
4.Now, open the left nostril and take in air slowly.
5.Afterwards, close the left nostril also as before,so that air is held inside the body.
6. Recite mentally the following Mantra or Hymn ( 3 times)
a) Om Bhuh! Om Bhuvah ! Om Suvah ! Om Mahaha! Om Janah! Om Tapah! Om Satyam!
b) Om tasyavitur varenyam! Bhargo devesya dhimahi! dhiyo yo nah prachodayat!
c) Om Apah! Jyothi! Rasah! amitham! Brahma! Bhurbhuvassuvarom!
[Note: The above should be recited mentally. The thumb and first fingerof the Left hand should be in contact with left hand palm facing Skywards]
7.Open the right nostril and release the air slowly.(after recitation)
8. Say 'Om' and touch the right ear.
Full explanatory notes will follow this post. I invite comments to respond .

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Breath

I was reading a book written by a Spritual teacher-Mr. Echart Tolle titled A NEW EARTH.
the whole book is absorbing and thought provoking. The extract below gives a overview of the title of this piece.

"Many people's breath is shallow. the more you are aware of the breath,the more its natural depth will reestablish itself.

Because breath has no form as such,it has since ancient times been equated with spirit-- the formless one Life. " god formed man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a living creature". The German word for breathing -atmen-is derived from the ancient Indian(Sanskrit) word Atman, meaning the indewelling divine spirit or God within"

I would like to add my comment on the cited paragragh. Thinkers all over the world think alike though the expression may vary according to their cultural and geographical background.
